Very briefly, and just for reference, I would like to provide the basic grade structure of the G.:D.: system as I may be referring to various grades from time to time. The first column is the corresponding Sephirah on the Tree of Life. The second column is the title of the grade. The third column is the degree. The first number is the number of grades that have been attained thus far, and the second number is the number of the Sephirah on the Tree of Life.
Invisible OrderKether Ipsissimus 10 = 1
Chokmah Magus 9 = 2
Binah Magister Templi 8 = 3
Inner OrderChesed Adeptus Exemptus 7 = 4
Geburah Adeptus Major 6 = 5
Tiphareth Adeptus Minor 5 = 6
Outer OrderNetzach Philosophus 4 = 7
Hod Practicus 3 = 8
Yesod Theoricus 2 = 9
Malkuth Zelator 1 = 10
- Neophyte 0 = 0
I have also provided a diagram of the Tree of Life to refer to visually.
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