Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Arius Controversy

In a previous post I mentioned a forthcoming post regarding the Holy Guardian Angel (HGA). This is still in the works, but the reader may benefit also from an article I wrote for Hermetic Virtues magazine. This isn't exactly referring to the HGA, but it talks about the role of Christ in the scheme of Qabalah. Now Jesus Christ actually represents for humanity what the HGA represents for the individual. It is the 5th body I mentioned in the post on the Seven Bodies. It is available to read on the Hermetic Virtues Website.

I would post the whole thing here, but I'm not clear if that is a copyright violation. I'm not sure if it is property of Hermetic Virtues or if it's my own property. However, since they make it free to read, why don't you check it out?


Morgan Drake Eckstein said...

Here is my take on the copyright issue: the article is yours to publish wherever you want to (you are listed as the person that needs to be contacted on the site for republication permission). Hermetic Virtue is only asking for One Time Rights based on the submission form I read awhile back. I am a freelance writer by trade, so information like that gets stuck in my head.

Having said that, seeing that I would like to see Hermetic Virtue continue to exist, I like the fact that you provided a link to the site.

Devin Moore said...

I appreciate it, and you have a good point in the second paragraph. There are precious few good resources and we all need to keep them in business.